Teaching & Spiritual Direction

Classes & workshops
  • The SpeakChorus Torah Project
  • Torah as Mirror: group spiritual direction reflecting and discovering each self as part of the One. Our tools are chanting, silent meditation, Torah study, private and group reflection. 
  • Liturgy Playshop
  • Wine and Judaism
  • Counting the Omer as a Spiritual Practice
  • The Power of Nigun
  • Musical Torah
  • Spiritual Self-care Toolbox
  • Spiritual Parenting Toolbox

Individual Spiritual Direction: Discovering, inquiring, wrestling, seeking a connection with the Holy Ground of Being

We sing with our voices, our words, our silence
We sing with our bodies, our minds, our breath
We sing because we are alive with the vibration of the universe,
from the tiniest parts to the vast movements of the cosmos.
Ahavat Olam - Love of the World

Somewhere on earth, every minute
hundreds of people are opening their hearts
every moment
someone is committing an act of love
every minute I am awake
is a minute when I could be that someone
keeping the continuous love flowing
the living current
the love of the world
Ahavat Olam

(C) Abbe Lyons 2009
ובטובו מחדש בכל יום תמיד מעשה בראשית
The SpeakChorus Torah Project
Building Communities of Holy Midrash Tellers
What do you get when you mix poetry, flash mob, traditional and modern midrash and commentary with a bit of singing thrown in for good measure? 
   "Speak Chorus grabs your attention and holds you 
    to the point that you truly receive the message of the 
    Torah for the eternal moment." Rabbi Victor Gross.
“Being in a creative process around text helps me understand kinesthetically what my intellect cannot receive"
SpeakChorus Torah participant

"Those who listen to the Speak-Chorus are moved by the many voices, and cadences of the 'human script' re-telling Torah's tales that are expressed with poignancy, deep emotion and soaring spirituality."— Rabbi Leila Gal Berner    
Speak-Chorus Torah is a collaborative creative process of re-Searching, delving deep into the sacred words of Torah, leading to an amazing presentation that draws in all who listen.
SpeakChorus Torah on Balak Ruach HaAretz 2012
SpeakChorus Torah on Vayishlach with B'nai Mitzvah class
Published in A Poet's Siddur: Friday Evening